Bait Finesse System/Style

What is fishing with the Bait Finesse System (BFS)?

When fishing with the Bait Finesse System Baitcast reels are used with special flat, drilled, ultra-light spools and lightweight rods. To catapult baits weighing 1 to 7 grams precisely and into what feels like infinity.

This development began in Japan for fishing for smallmouth bass and later for char, trout and other predatory fish. This is now being done system used everywhere and puts a smile on the faces of bass-crazy baitcast fans. BFS has two meanings and it is important to distinguish and recognize this.

Importance in Europe:                  

B = B ait                                                 

F = finesse                                          

S = System

Meaning in Japan:

B = Bait Casting

F = F inesse Procedure

S = Style

The idea behind this technique is to improve success with shy and difficult to catch fish.

The key to maximum performance and success is a properly tuned combo. It is particularly important for this type of fishing that the rod and reel as well as the line are perfectly coordinated! Quality doesn't always have to be expensive! "Sometimes less is more".

At Fish band you have a perfect one Price-performance ratio and the Quality is the most important. Fish band try to meet a wide variety of needs with their products. The Fishingteam Predators Tackle will be happy to help you make the right choice.


If we from BFS Talk about the type and construction of the role. In Europe, fishing reels are mainly used to cast very light bait. In Japan they are BFS Reels are also used to cast heavier baits. This system or Style has its strength in shallow waters such as lakes and streams.

If you have other experiences or opinions or feedback, I would be very happy to post it in the comments below!

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